
LA consultation into Verify & Identity for Vulnerable People

We held the final consultation into the use of Verify for the hard to reach in May of this year at techUK’s offices. This 4th industry consultation gave a wrap up of 6 months of work from Tower Hamlets, Hackney, GLA, GDS, Post Office, GBG, Digidentity and MVINE.

We discussed the 5 stages of the project and work carried out with our partners:

Information Governance – are LA processes good enough to meet GPG45 standards for checking and managing of data?

Technical Design & Build – we looked at the metadata used to describe any data source and creating a standard for LAs and HAs to adopt.

User Journeys – we followed a ‘light touch’ approach and prepared some hypothesis for the Beta project and put together some recommended workflows and user designs.

Business Cases – what are the business cases for adopting Verify, why identity matters looking at operational cost savings, the costs of identity and eligibility checking, population movement between LAs and tackling fraud in the public sector.

Implications for GOV.UK/Verify – develop an ecosystems approach combined with an attribute exchange for LAs and HAs to trust, building on previous work around Micro Sources of Data.

For more in depth information and background view the slides here.

Project blog on the OIX website.

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