400 Clients have moved into employment, training, education or volunteering with DLB

Digital Log Book and Service Directory Referral System “My Work Journey”

We are delighted to say that 400 clients have moved in Employment, Training, Education or Volunteering.  To date 3510 Digital Log Books were issued to customers.

This projected issued Digital Log Book to citizens to help them on their Work Journey into some kind of work related activity.  People were set goals and targets to help them identify their barriers into work and to then achieve these to help build confidence and skills as they sought employment.  The Birmingham Gateways of Influence Model was used to build the key skills and attributes based around individuals needs and requirements.

The project has also had further positive outcomes. These include:

  • Development of an online referral service (the Service Directory and Referral System [SDRS]), with 798 referrals made to partner agencies.
  • Evidence of beneficial relationships formed between 3rd sector agencies and the Council.
  • Demonstrating the importance placed on applying the ESF cross cutting theme of ‘Equal Opportunities’ to all clients in the ‘My Work Journey’ project; outputs from groups such as individuals aged 50+, ethnic minorities and females represent the highest percentages in terms of DLBs issued against targets
  • Used to inform Universal Credit design for the Universal Support delivered locally.
  • Offering value for money; comparison with similar projects reveals that the ‘My Work Journey’ project offered value for money in terms of engagement with clients (issuing of DLB).

The project team would like to extend its thanks to the impressive and dedicated work done by the team in Landlord Services in not only exceeding its targets on both Digital Log Books issued but also helping people into employment, training, education or volunteering.


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